左心室(LV)功能是心脏病患者的患者管理,结局和长期存活方面的重要因素。最近发表的心力衰竭临床指南认识到,仅依赖一种心脏功能(LV射血分数)作为诊断和治疗分层生物标志物的依赖是次优。基于AI的超声心动图分析的最新进展已在LV体积和LV射血分数的自动估计上显示出良好的结果。但是,从随时间变化的2D超声心动图摄取,可以通过从完整的心脏周期中估算功能性生物标志物来获得对心脏功能的更丰富的描述。在这项工作中,我们首次提出了一种基于全心脏周期分割的2D超声心动图的AI方法,用于从2D超声心动图中得出高级生物标志物。这些生物标志物将允许临床医生获得健康和疾病中心脏的丰富图片。 AI模型基于“ NN-UNET”框架,并使用四个不同的数据库进行了训练和测试。结果表明,手动分析和自动分析之间的一致性很高,并展示了晚期收缩期和舒张期生物标志物在患者分层中的潜力。最后,对于50例病例的子集,我们在超声心动图和CMR的临床生物标志物之间进行了相关分析,我们在两种方式之间表现出了极好的一致性。
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Many scientific domains gather sufficient labels to train machine algorithms through human-in-the-loop techniques provided by the Zooniverse.org citizen science platform. As the range of projects, task types and data rates increase, acceleration of model training is of paramount concern to focus volunteer effort where most needed. The application of Transfer Learning (TL) between Zooniverse projects holds promise as a solution. However, understanding the effectiveness of TL approaches that pretrain on large-scale generic image sets vs. images with similar characteristics possibly from similar tasks is an open challenge. We apply a generative segmentation model on two Zooniverse project-based data sets: (1) to identify fat droplets in liver cells (FatChecker; FC) and (2) the identification of kelp beds in satellite images (Floating Forests; FF) through transfer learning from the first project. We compare and contrast its performance with a TL model based on the COCO image set, and subsequently with baseline counterparts. We find that both the FC and COCO TL models perform better than the baseline cases when using >75% of the original training sample size. The COCO-based TL model generally performs better than the FC-based one, likely due to its generalized features. Our investigations provide important insights into usage of TL approaches on multi-domain data hosted across different Zooniverse projects, enabling future projects to accelerate task completion.
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Human behavior emerges from planning over elaborate decompositions of tasks into goals, subgoals, and low-level actions. How are these decompositions created and used? Here, we propose and evaluate a normative framework for task decomposition based on the simple idea that people decompose tasks to reduce the overall cost of planning while maintaining task performance. Analyzing 11,117 distinct graph-structured planning tasks, we find that our framework justifies several existing heuristics for task decomposition and makes predictions that can be distinguished from two alternative normative accounts. We report a behavioral study of task decomposition ($N=806$) that uses 30 randomly sampled graphs, a larger and more diverse set than that of any previous behavioral study on this topic. We find that human responses are more consistent with our framework for task decomposition than alternative normative accounts and are most consistent with a heuristic -- betweenness centrality -- that is justified by our approach. Taken together, our results provide new theoretical insight into the computational principles underlying the intelligent structuring of goal-directed behavior.
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从我们生命的最早几年开始,人类使用语言来表达我们的信念和欲望。因此,能够与人造代理讨论我们的偏好将实现价值一致性的核心目标。然而,今天,我们缺乏解释这种灵活和抽象语言使用的计算模型。为了应对这一挑战,我们考虑在线性强盗环境中考虑社会学习,并询问人类如何传达与行为的偏好(即奖励功能)。我们研究两种不同类型的语言:指令,提供有关所需政策的信息和描述,这些信息提供了有关奖励功能的信息。为了解释人类如何使用这些形式的语言,我们建议他们推理出已知和未知的未来状态:对当前的说明优化,同时描述对未来进行了推广。我们通过扩展奖励设计来考虑对国家的分配来形式化此选择。然后,我们定义了一种务实的听众,该代理人通过推理说话者如何表达自己来侵犯说话者的奖励功能。我们通过行为实验来验证我们的模型,表明(1)我们的说话者模型预测了自发的人类行为,并且(2)我们的务实的听众能够恢复其奖励功能。最后,我们表明,在传统的强化学习环境中,务实的社会学习可以与个人学习相结合并加速。我们的发现表明,从更广泛的语言中的社会学习,特别是,扩大了该领域的目前对指示的关注,以包括从描述中学习 - 是一种有前途的价值一致性和强化学习的有前途的方法。
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Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate code for various programming tasks. In many instances, LLMs can generate a correct program for a task when given numerous trials. Consequently, a recent trend is to do large scale sampling of programs using a model and then filtering/ranking the programs based on the program execution on a small number of known unit tests to select one candidate solution. However, these approaches assume that the unit tests are given and assume the ability to safely execute the generated programs (which can do arbitrary dangerous operations such as file manipulations). Both of the above assumptions are impractical in real-world software development. In this paper, we propose CodeRanker, a neural ranker that can predict the correctness of a sampled program without executing it. Our CodeRanker is fault-aware i.e., it is trained to predict different kinds of execution information such as predicting the exact compile/runtime error type (e.g., an IndexError or a TypeError). We show that CodeRanker can significantly increase the pass@1 accuracy of various code generation models (including Codex, GPT-Neo, GPT-J) on APPS, HumanEval and MBPP datasets.
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制定了具有机器学习模拟(骆驼)项目的宇宙学和天体物理学,通过数千名宇宙的流体动力模拟和机器学习将宇宙学与天体物理学结合起来。骆驼包含4,233个宇宙学仿真,2,049个n-body和2,184个最先进的流体动力模拟,在参数空间中采样巨大的体积。在本文中,我们介绍了骆驼公共数据发布,描述了骆驼模拟的特性和由它们产生的各种数据产品,包括光环,次麦,银河系和空隙目录,功率谱,Bispectra,Lyman - $ \ Alpha $光谱,概率分布函数,光环径向轮廓和X射线光子列表。我们还释放了超过骆驼 - 山姆的数十亿个星系的目录:与Santa Cruz半分析模型相结合的大量N身体模拟。我们释放包含350多个Terabytes的所有数据,并包含143,922个快照,数百万光环,星系和摘要统计数据。我们提供有关如何访问,下载,读取和处理数据AT \ URL {https://camels.readthedocs.io}的进一步技术详细信息。
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Array programming provides a powerful, compact, expressive syntax for accessing, manipulating, and operating on data in vectors, matrices, and higher-dimensional arrays [1]. NumPy is the primary array programming library for the Python language [2,3,4,5]. It plays an essential role in research analysis pipelines in fields as diverse as physics, chemistry, astronomy, geoscience, biology, psychology, material science, engineering, finance, and economics. For example, in astronomy, NumPy was an important part of the software stack used in the discovery of gravitational waves [6] and the first imaging of a black hole [7].Here we show how a few fundamental array concepts lead to a simple and powerful programming paradigm for organizing, exploring, and analyzing scientific data. NumPy is the foundation upon which the entire scientific Python universe is constructed. It is so pervasive that several projects, targeting audiences with specialized needs, have developed their own NumPy-like interfaces and array objects. Because of its central position in the ecosystem, NumPy increasingly plays the role of an interoperability layer between these new array computation libraries.
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Designing experiments often requires balancing between learning about the true treatment effects and earning from allocating more samples to the superior treatment. While optimal algorithms for the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem (MABP) provide allocation policies that optimally balance learning and earning, they tend to be computationally expensive. The Gittins Index (GI) is a solution to the MABP that can simultaneously attain optimality and computationally efficiency goals, and it has been recently used in experiments with Bernoulli and Gaussian rewards. For the first time, we present a modification of the GI rule that can be used in experiments with exponentially-distributed rewards. We report its performance in simulated 2- armed and 3-armed experiments. Compared to traditional non-adaptive designs, our novel GI modified design shows operating characteristics comparable in learning (e.g. statistical power) but substantially better in earning (e.g. direct benefits). This illustrates the potential that designs using a GI approach to allocate participants have to improve participant benefits, increase efficiencies, and reduce experimental costs in adaptive multi-armed experiments with exponential rewards.
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